Do You Want To Control Your Anger?

Anger to Calmness or how to control anger.

"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy."          

This quote is of most importance. It can easily be understood. This quote has the ability to solve all problems related to the emotion anger.

In today's busy schedule everyone makes a habit of thinking in a particular way. This creates beliefs which are a cause of anger. We do not have time to see a problem's solution which creates a load on us producing irritation and anger.

Angry Due To Argument

We must understand anger is also an emotion. It also has to be expressed. If one tries to control it every time then it is a fool of him. Although it is true to say that most of us show anger where it is unnecessary. 

For instance if something is lost, we simply get angry on ourselves or any other person. It is of no use as one cannot find his item by expressing anger.

Before heading forward we must know the difference between the words react and response.

Difference Between Reacting And Responding?

Anger can be controlled by responding to things.
Always Respond

"The main and the only difference is of the time interval between any situation and your actions to face it"
. If you can experience the depth of the above mentioned sentence then move to the next topic. If not take a closer look in following paragraphs.

Again I am uttering, people these days have no time to look into themselves. So when any situation arises, with a complete believe in the first instinct,  they perform sudden actions. Remember first instincts are mostly wrong because they pop up due to people's prior beliefs.

Now for a moment think if a person, leaving his first instinct, calms down and wait for some time for a correct decision. It would be much more easier and better for him to face that situation. Then the actions will be much more sincere and professional.

So the basic difference between reacting and responding is the time interval as this interval is the interval of decision which is better when more time is taken.

How To Control Anger?

There is no way to control anger directly as it is an emotion. It can only be minimized by accepting things as they are. Let us understand, in this world most people perceive situations based on their past experiences. This creates a confusion between the reality and the thought.

When you believe in your first instinct, it is your thought. When you wait and think then you work upon reality. This is the only way to permanently control anger. Once you start thinking about reality then you may get angry for the betterment of any person or anyone. Like parents get angry to see their children successful. 

An immediate and momentary technique is to take deep breaths. Deep breathing relaxes your mind and helps you to face any situation with peace as a state of your mind.

Anger to calmness
Deep Breathing and Counting

I have personally observed people being angry as to why they get angry.
Such an ignorance! Always respect your emotions. Never try to criticize them. These emotions make you a human being. But never use them to react. Always use them to respond.

Anger is a powerful tool to perform tasks. It can only be used by transmutation of anger into work. This transmutation is possible through meditation. To know more about meditation click here.

Anger to calmness: meditation
Meditation Leads To Calmness

If we talk in biological terms, anger increases the blood flow at a much faster rate. This increased blood flow can lead to hypertension. It can damage the brain cells which may cause different neurological problems. Anger is purely destructive if not transmuted.

I have provided the main and very effective ways of controlling anger. To know more ways as to how to control anger click here.


You can control your anger by any of the methods but most of the methods are for external use. Meditation (tool for awareness) or accepting the reality is the core of minimizing anger. Most of the methods end up in making us accept the reality.

Again I am telling always respect your anger. It is also an emotion. Never take it in a criticizing way. Take it in a healthy way and it will surely transmute your energy from anger to calmness.

Anger to calmness



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